Is Your Dog at Risk For Potential Kidney Failure? The Importance of a Quality Dog Food Diet

Symptoms can appear suddenly or gradually become apparent over a few months. Most incidents of of kidney failure occur over time and are the result of an ongoing disease but a sudden onset of kidney failure is more likely caused by a severe infectious disease or a poisoning.

Your dog’s kidneys can continue to function even with some serious tissue damage which is why symptoms are often slow to appear or become noticeable. Failure symptoms generally begin as a need for excessive water intake, frequent need to urinate and light colored urine. As the disease becomes more severe, it’s likely that you’ll actually see a decrease in urination, diarrhea, vomiting, poor appetite, weakness and fatigue. All are brought on by the increase of the toxins in the bloodstream.

So how do you prevent kidney disease in your own precious pooch. The answer is simple, only feed a quality food to your dog. Although kidney infection is caused by an ongoing infection or blockage in the urinary tract it can also be brought on by an injury or poisoning. Recurring infections are also a precursor to kidney failure.

By feeding a poor quality food that is highly processed with large amounts of fillers like corn, preservatives and chemicals, you are only aggravating an already existing kaneles condition. A poor quality dog food diet does not support your dog’s overall health and body functions. The inability of a poor food to support your dog’s kidney health can potentially lead to kidney failure.

Most dog foods are high in protein content and this protein breaks down into amino acids. Amino acids are used by your dog’s body to build and replace tissue cells. They also create urea which is a waste by-product. In a healthy dog, their kidneys and the process of urination would simply remove the urea from the blood. However, in a dog that is already suffering from kidney failure or damage, the urea will just build up in their bloodstream and literally poison your dog to death.

This is why it’s so important to begin feeding a quality diet as soon as possible. Because even though you can feed specific dog foods that are designed for dog’s suffering from kidney failure, they will not cure your dog once the disease has started. However, by beginning a quality dog food now, you will be giving your dog the valuable nutrition they need to fight kidney failure.